
Ways to reignite the passion in marriage

Marriage is not the shackle, it is the freedom to live with the person whom you love the most. It’s quite easy to go along in the early days of marriage and celebrate each and every occasion together.

But as the wedding year goes along, it becomes difficult to find time for each other and celebrate each and every moment.

After spending two to three years in marriage, the couple starts to ask for space and needs more personal time than being together. They start finding the relationship boring and life monotonous. They lose interest in each other and try to avoid spending time together.

It’s absolutely normal and can be avoided by taking some thoughtful steps from both sides.

Here we have compiled a few things that you always need to remember after two to three years of marriage to make your relationship sparkling and refreshing always.


Your relationship is important-

It’s quite obvious that as the marriage goes along, the couple starts being careless towards each other and becomes busier in daily life, family, routines, responsibilities, and kids.

But in spite of all these things going around in life, one should not forget that you are partners first, and just because you have this wonderful life and everything around you is because you are in a marriage. So keep your relationship first because that is the backbone of every relationship and life you have.


Celebrate your anniversary-

The first anniversary is always special and most couples celebrate it with great zeal and enthusiasm. But as the year goes along, celebrating an anniversary becomes tedious, boring, and it seems more of a casual day. At times couples even don’t bother to wish each other, and they don’t realize that these things are creating a vacancy in their relationship, which will become difficult to deal with in the long run.

So whether it is your first anniversary or 25th anniversary, celebrate it with the same zeal and enthusiasm. You don’t need to do something grand all the time. You can steal some time from your busy life and celebrate this day with your partner. Get anniversary cakes, some flowers, and you are done.


Spending time together-

It’s quite okay to have your personal space and time even after marriage, but what goes wrong with the passing years is couples start taking their partner for granted and become no more excited about seeing each other. They become more of a roommate than a husband-wife.

It happens because after spending a couple of years together, both of you are too accustomed and know almost everything about each other. So that excitement and curiosity to know about the person vanish, and thus the couple starts avoiding spending time with each other.

To avoid such monotony, you should start doing some different activities together. This way you will be able to spend time together, and maybe you will get to know something new about each other.


Surprise with gifts—

Surprise always works. It acts as a spark to that boring moment. It becomes even more important in a relationship that starts becoming monotonous with the passing years. Don’t wait for any special moment to arrive, surprise your partner with gifts and stuff on casual days to keep your relationship alive.

If you are away from each other, you can order a cake online for your spouse to make him/her feel special even on normal days and let them know that you think about them even after being far from them. You can get your cake delivered in Bangalore from online bakers.


Celebrate small moments-

Celebration is just not about birthdays and marriage anniversaries. You can celebrate your engagement anniversary, your success, your promotions, and many more small daily moments together to keep your relationship happening and exciting.

You can get happy anniversary flowers on your engagement anniversary and surprise your partner with that. Give gifts on their success or plan a small house party on your promotions. This will make them realize that you still think about them and that love is intact even after marrying each other for a long.


So these were a few things and tips you need to remember and try in your marriage to let your relationship bloom even after marrying each other for a longer period of time.

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