
English to Japanese translation of “Hakujya”

English to Japanese translation of "Hakujya"

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If you are studying a foreign language, there are many words and phrases that you will want to look up. If you ever wanted to know how to say something in English, this article might help!

What Is Hakujya?

Hakujya is a Japanese word that means “foul odor”. In English, it can be translated to mean “stench”. This word is often used in Japan to describe the unpleasant smell of something.

How Do I Say Hakujya In English?

Hakujya is a Japanese word meaning “ravishing beauty.” In English, it can be translated to “beau-dorable.” Whether you’re looking for a cute nickname or an affectionate term of endearment, there are plenty of ways to say hakujya in English.

Here are five examples:

1. Darling: This is the most popular word for calling someone your beloved. You can use it as a term of endearment, or call someone sweetheart or honeybunch.

2. Handsome: This word is used to describe someone who is especially attractive to look at. You might call your crush handsome or beautiful boy/girl, and you could also say someone has ravishing good looks.

3. Cute: This word is often used as a shortened form of darling or handsome, and it’s often used when you want to show affection without getting too personal. You might call your friend cuteie or cutie pie.

4. Charmingly: This word can be used as a synonym for cute, and it’s often seen in romantic comedies and TV shows where the character uses charm to get what they want.Call your

Pronunciation of Hakujya

Hakujya is a Japanese word that means “The Sound of Silence”. It is the title of the sound track for the movie “The Silence of the Lambs” and it was sung by Howard Shore. In this article, we will discuss how to pronounce Hakujya in English.

Other Languages That Use Same Word as

Hakujya (ハクジャ) is a Japanese word meaning “friend” or “companion”. In English, it is often translated as “buddy”.


Thank you for reading this article on the English to Japanese translation of “Hakujya”. In this article, we will be discussing the meaning and usage of the word Hakujya in detail. If you would like to learn more about the translation process or need help with a specific sentence, please feel free to reach out to us at any time. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Thank you for reading this article on the Japanese word “Hakujya.” In this article, we will be translating the word “Hakujya” into English and explaining what it means. By doing so, hopefully, you will be able to use this word in a sentence or two and understand its meaning. If not, please feel free to leave a comment below and I will do my best to help you out!

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